Photo Albums
Annual meeting June 2021
17 imagesLocal alumni met for a cocktail party at the Country Club of New Canaan to welcome the newly admitted local students of the Harvard class of 2025. Gorgeous weather, great company and conversation!
HCFC Food Drive--November 2020
9 imagesHCFC Food Drive--November 2020
Graduation Caravan - May 28, 2020
16 imagesHCFC bringing commencement to the doors of new grads during the shutdown
January 2020 Harvard Global Networking Night, Greenwich
3 images -
2019 annual dinner with Gov Lamont
10 images -
2019 Soundwaters cruise of L.I. Sound
9 images -
11 Harvard Clubs picnic at Tanglewood
8 imagesJuly 2019
HCFC Board
2 images -
HarvardX with Vice Provost Peter Bol - Dec 2016
3 images -
Aldrich Museum
4 imagesCurated tour and childrens' activities - March 12, 2016
An Evening with Jeff Zucker'86
10 imagesFairfield County alums enjoyed a lively evening thanks to dynamic Q&A with CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker'86 at the delightful Riverside Yacht Club.
Talk by President Faust
4 imagesOn March 7, 2013, Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust joined the Harvard Club of Fairfield County in Stamford for an excellent talk and dinner.
Global Networking Night January 2017
2 images -
GNN June 2016
5 imagesfrom GNN June 2016 joint event with Westchester and Fairfield Clubs
Global Networking Night - June, 2013
7 imagesOn Tuesday, June 25th about 40 alumni gathered on a beautiful night at the Crab Shell in Stamford as part of the Harvard Alumni Association's Global Networking Night. It was a great night to relax along the water and make new friends and contacts.
Photo Fader (DO NOT DELETE)
19 images