Michael Boyle, MPP '01, on War and Peace in the Drone Age
An interactive Zoom discussion with a drone expert and Harvard alumnus
The Harvard Club of Fairfield County's 2020-21 academic speakers program kicks off with a visit from alumnus Dr. Michael J. Boyle, who will join us for a discussion of the accelerating impact of drone technology on society. His second book on the subject, The Drone Age: How Drone Technology Will Change War and Peace, was published this summer by Oxford University Press. Commended in a Christian Science Monitor review for its "quiet moral clarity" and "measured tone," the book not only explores drone-driven changes on the battlefield, which he points out have far from peaked, but the implications that inexpensive and pervasive drone technology will have on law enforcement, commerce, and humanitarian activities. Michael will discuss his research, and our questions and comments, in an interactive Zoom meeting.
A graduate of Harvard University (MPP, '01), the University of Cambridge (Ph.D and M.Phil), and LaSalle University (B.A.), Michael was recently appointed Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University. He previously taught at LaSalle and the University of St. Andrews.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 6:30 pm. Zoom link will be distributed beforehand to those registered. Free for current HCFC members; $5 for non-members and guests.